The fabulous message in Cars 3.

CAUTION: This post contains puns.

Being a huge Disney Pixar fan, I obviously had to go and watch Cars 3 in cinemas this Summer, despite Cars considered being the weakest franchise of them all. That doesn’t bother me at all because I really enjoyed watching the first Cars movie. The sequel was not very good though. It was good entertainment, but disappointing to Cars fans, since it drove the franchise into an entirely useless direction. Luckily it wasn’t a one-way street because Cars 3, in my opinion, managed to redeem the franchise.

I was intending on reviewing this movie, however nothing should ever be too formal on this blog. Instead, I am going to discuss the main theme this movie showcases and how it accelerated the franchise into a suitable and interesting perspective.

Now, first of all, I am going to be spoiling the movie. I advise you only read on if you don’t mind spoilers or if you have seen the movie yourself. If you haven’t seen the movie, watch it or don’t read this post at all! You have been warned.

Spoilers Ahead - Cars 3
Hahaha…get it?

Continue reading “The fabulous message in Cars 3.”

Pixar achieves a lot of things.

Out of all the things in the world, we go straight to Pixar?

I think I love it a bit too much…

Recently, I decided to watch a bunch of Pixar films. If you aren’t aware, many consider Pixar Animation Studios the pinnacle of computer animation. It all started back in 1995 when Toy Story was released. At the time, it was a groundbreaking success and moved forward the journey of animation. No one had seen anything like it before because of its huge graphic advancement, however it was not only the animation that wowed its viewers. A lot of people immediately fell in love with the Pixar universe. Both adults and children! A movie about toys coming to life is an experience for everyone who ever owned a toy during their childhood; that’s why it intrigued so many people. Getting to know what life is like – as a toy – behind the ploy-vinyl eyes of a sheriff doll is something you may have wondered about in the past. The movie reminds us all of these questions: Do toys have emotion? Do toys secretly live when we’re not around? Can toys die?

Even though we all breathe reality and science, being a human allows us to imagine. And that’s what Pixar thrives on: imagination. Who knew cars could live without humans? Who ever thought an old man could soar into the air with a house tied to a bunch of balloons? Who ever dreaded an apocalyptic future which meant humans had to be evacuated to live in space for supposed eternity? Who knew a rat could cook… good?

One of the greatest debates that involve Pixar movies is when they are challenged with other movies from other studios. A significant amount of people actually believe that Pixar is totally overrated and that other animated movies have the potential to or already outperform them. Well, it would be unfair to argue that Pixar movies are better than any other animated movie. Graphical fidelity, alone, can be as stunning as Pixar’s, so why can’t they earn the same title? Continue reading “Pixar achieves a lot of things.”