Is technology the real enemy?

“Live small, dream big.”

Not too long ago, life was a couple of inches simpler than the life we all live today. Not only are we facing big changes in the world politically, we are observing a continuous advancement in technology. With Brexit, we can struggle on through together, though it hurts to know how more difficult it will be for us students. As for Trump, knowing if he will destroy the world is inevitable, but when? Right now, the world is just becoming darker in a number of different ways. That’s right – there’s the solar eclipse! But, seriously, terror attacks are happening more frequently and remind us of how shameful a portion of humanity is. While these are gradually executing across Europe, we also have climate change further down the queue. On the other hand, with Trump’s declination of the Paris agreement, there is a chance for climate change to skip that queue! The world only seems to be getting worse, despite all the good things we have too.


In general, technological advancements in our societies have had a good impact on the world. Starting with the creation of the mobile phone. Now we can traverse the world with a more portable first-aid kit, arcade and telephone all in one. Next, Apple Watches: humanity’s finest creation yet. Technology has even catalysed the rate of scientific discoveries being made! Everyday, we are seemingly approaching a revolution, which will allow humans to journey through space. But before all that, we have artificial intelligence! Those creepy, humanoid robots that will make our lives “a lot easier” as they begin to replace our labour and look after us.

Here’s the thing. Who needs all of this?

I was on my phone earlier, swiping through numerous applications, and I suddenly realised how much time I waste using it each and every day. Sometimes I actually open Facebook or Twitter and then I instantly close it – again and again. What kind of habit is that? A habit that no longer should exist.

In my opinion, we have been groomed by our technological devices too much, to the point we take them for granted. When was the last time you paused and thought how amazing it is that these glorious inventions exist? Technology should remain exclusive, instead of insistently being necessary tools for us to use all the time. However, mobile phones are very, very useful since they provide us security. So, why do they now have smart features? Why does the entertainment factor override the initial purpose of a mobile phone? Technology is advancing, but it’s not advancing the right way. It may make sense to a lot of people that the more we are impressed by something, the better it is. Although, we only need to be impressed by simple things that keep us alive – and that’s that.

As mobile phones, tablets and other entertainment devices are becoming more complex, our wallets of cash are becoming more empty. Now, people are saving hard-earned cash for something that will only amuse us for a limited amount of time before we take it for granted again and wait impatiently for the next, improved model. It’s even worse for A.I. Why do we even need it, other than to satisfy us? There’s the frightening theory which predicts that robots will overrule humans. Isn’t that enough of a wake-up call? Also, if humans just sit back and laze around for the rest of their lives, the point of living becomes opaque. While manual work is tough, we get paid for it and it keeps us living a life that’s balanced. In a lot of ways, luxury living has proved that an excessive amount of perfect desires leads people to rock bottom. What happened to the journey being the greatest reward?

Furthermore, I even have stamina to detest the scientific industry. The amount of money that is being spent on cosmological research is ridiculous when it should only be spent to aid our survival. In fact, the endeavour to adventure into space will eventually drive humanity to its end because leaving the planet, we have adapted to, increases our vulnerability. While I think it would be breath-taking to discover – exactly – what is outside our tiny planet, I think it would be more breath-taking if we ever manage to discover a cure for cancer. Instead of thinking big, we should think small and remember that we are just human creatures which should be living simple lives within our natural, beloved habitat. We can wonder about the greatness technology can accomplish, so why should we waste this amazing miracle, which is life?

Live small, dream big.

On all sorts of scales, I think we can agree that excitement and happiness occurs (primarily) during our endeavours. Once we reach the top of the ladder, that’s it. Moreover, we seek happiness alongside our failures because that’s what gets us through them all. In the end, life is like an eternal journey full of smaller journeys that matter to us, personally. Technology is currently accelerating our curiosity to a maximum, which is out of bounds. So, why can’t we keep on living life one small step at a time? We can keep on discovering things that truly matter to us and take some time to appreciate how far we have come already.

This world is still littered with flaws. So let’s mend them before we attempt to escape them.

Author: Oli

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