The fabulous message in Cars 3.

CAUTION: This post contains puns.

Being a huge Disney Pixar fan, I obviously had to go and watch Cars 3 in cinemas this Summer, despite Cars considered being the weakest franchise of them all. That doesn’t bother me at all because I really enjoyed watching the first Cars movie. The sequel was not very good though. It was good entertainment, but disappointing to Cars fans, since it drove the franchise into an entirely useless direction. Luckily it wasn’t a one-way street because Cars 3, in my opinion, managed to redeem the franchise.

I was intending on reviewing this movie, however nothing should ever be too formal on this blog. Instead, I am going to discuss the main theme this movie showcases and how it accelerated the franchise into a suitable and interesting perspective.

Now, first of all, I am going to be spoiling the movie. I advise you only read on if you don’t mind spoilers or if you have seen the movie yourself. If you haven’t seen the movie, watch it or don’t read this post at all! You have been warned.

Spoilers Ahead - Cars 3
Hahaha…get it?

Continue reading “The fabulous message in Cars 3.”