Why does this blog exist?

The question you all probably want an answer to.

That’s a good question!

A blog is something that is personal and unique to everyone. Owning one grants you permission to write endlessly. It’s such a relief to know that I can retreat into my small area of the internet whenever I like.

I can write forever.

3 years ago, it was such an effort. Knowing what to write and thinking about style, whilst monitoring my grammar was a tough job, especially since I threw myself into the deep end. Throughout my journey, so far, I have noticed a significant change in the way I write. No more do I fiddle my thumbs before each word I type into this post. The words just naturally flow from my mind and ink into the screen like a pen on paper. After witnessing and experiencing this change, it is such a relief; the shackles have been escaped and my mind can trespass anywhere!

Why did I create this blog? I want to make the most of my freedom – while it lasts. Also, when I used to blog about one thing only, it tires you out and it even deterred me off blogging in general.

Funnily enough, I also think quite a lot each day. Often, I find myself having an existential crisis and I become curious about a lot of things. Now, I can share my curiosity with you all and extend on my thoughts.

A blog is a voice – on speaker. It is amplified by the people who read it.

Continue reading “Why does this blog exist?”

Days are getting shorter.

And so are my posts.

It has only just occurred to me that we now only wait for the season of Winter. We are almost in the middle of Summer and, ever since the Summer Solstice (21st June), evenings and morning are gradually getting darker. Already, the earth is preparing itself for that long season everyone dreads after Christmas and New Year. Especially when you live in England, Winter is just an annoying season.

It has been a few years since I have witnessed a heavy snowfall. That is thought to be the thing to look forward to, since it means schools shutting down, snow angels and snowball fights. It just makes the cold a bit more bearable. Annoyingly, the snow is very sly; it teases humans when you see it ripping through the bitter air until it lands on the ground and, before long, it just melts. The worse thing about this is that the snow is still capable of icing the roads and pavements! A walk or a drive to work the next morning is always hazardous and accidents are more likely. Snow is actually quite cheeky. I don’t like it that much at all.

So, you now get the impression that I am one of those people who hate the Winter. It definitely isn’t my favourite season, but I do express some liking towards it because of the most wonderful time of the year: Christmas! Unfortunately, it is the season that seems to last the longest and the days are just too short to do the things you want to do. In fact, when Winter arrives, you probably won’t be seeing a lot of activity on this blog – I’ve been there before!

At least the clocks haven’t gone back… yet. Continue reading “Days are getting shorter.”

Are blogs old-fashioned?

Yes, they’re from the stone age!

That is an ironic question coming from a guy who has just created a new blog!

Let me start by answering the question, myself. I think that blogs are now quite old-fashioned, yet still popular. When I mean old-fashioned, I mean they were fashionable, but not as fashionable as they are today. This could all be due to advancement in the technological industry. While blogs were formed using groundbreaking technology – the internet – people may care less about our lives and more about what’s new around the world. That’s only a generalisation.

In my opinion, blogs are very interesting indeed; you can read so many of them, yet you are able to distinguish each one because of how unique they are. The reason behind that is simple. Everyone is this world is different, therefore our perspectives, style and representations are all nonidentical. That’s impressive to think about.

Obviously, I am still new to the world of blogging, even though I have had 3 years of experience already. Just a few days ago, I began a journey into a much larger community and this now enforces me to read a lot more blogs than I usually do. I’ve already read a few and I am actually amazed by their differences. Right now, I am still wondering how many 16 year olds own a blog. In fact, I want to know the most popular age group of bloggers. Maybe I should make a poll. We’ll see!

Back to the question, blogs are not only unique. What makes them popular is that so many people can relate to them. Yes, we are all very different people, but we share culture and everyday experiences. Seeing people interact and differentiate is compelling, which is why I love how people from anywhere in the world can type in a comment to any post they want. Providing it is appropriate, you can easily start a conversation with someone who could be similar or disparate to you. I just find that fascinating! Continue reading “Are blogs old-fashioned?”

I waddle on

Welcome to my journey.


Where am I? What am I doing?

I guess that’s the wonder of moving on.

Welcome to my blog. If you can read, you should be able to acknowledge that the title of this post is identical to the title of this blog. What is the significance in that? Well, it’s actually a pretty weird thing.

If you have ever heard of an online virtual world called Club Penguin, you may recognise the term “waddle on”. It is how penguins sign off to each other in this game. Yeah, this sounds peculiar at the moment but, believe me, it’s actually really cool. I played this game for 8 years and a half until I was forced not to play it anymore; well, it basically shut down on March 29th: the day my whole life ended (not really).

So, I was very attached to this game and it, therefore, became a huge part of my life. If you still don’t know exactly what it was, it was basically a huge chat room on the internet. You create a penguin avatar, design it with clothes and waddle around on an island whilst meeting new friends and setting out on adventures. Really, it was a lot more than that. If you ever played it, you know what I mean. The community of people who supported it (and still do) are an amazing bunch of talented people. When I was part of this community, I felt like we were always there for the Club Penguin team. Before Club Penguin closed down, I created a project called So Long CP. Continue reading “I waddle on”