A late realisation.

An unexpected return.

My problem has always been to make things more complicated than they actually are. I strive to do the best I can, but sometimes the best isn’t the biggest.

I got to a point where I found it too difficult to maintain a blog because I was too worried about presentation. That was before I realised that a blog is not a piece of art you display in a public gallery. Although, arguably, a blog can be art. But art is such an abstract term. Right now, this is just a miscellaneous notepad for me to empty out thoughts and questions from my mind. I couldn’t care less about how irrelevant some of my thoughts may seem because now I realise what blogs are all about.

Or at least I now know what this blog is actually about.

Welcome to the depths of my strange, strange mind.

Author: Oli

You'll hear more about me soon...

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